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Different News
Todays different news!
Published on November 30, 2005 By
For those who dont bother to read the title of this blog, this covers
news from around the world, news that doesnt always get reported by mainstream media. Don't some of you realise that mainstream media often hide news stories?! Wake up people and find the facts out for yourself, otherwise quit moaning and reading this blog!
Police Taser autistic teen at school
A 15-year-old autistic boy was shocked with a Taser at Cypress Lake High School in south Fort Myers after striking teachers, an officer and an assistant principal, police said.
..... I find this a little disturbing. Is this how america deals with children with special needs? With conditions which means that they don't always know how to socially interact with others? Disgusting.
I wouldn't be surprised if this taser shock has some negative effect on the autistic boy. I hope the mother does press charges.
There are other ways to deal with children who are "out-of-control" with conditions such as autism.
Man-Made Katrina!
Could Hurricane Katrina and other Catagory-5 hurricanes have been artificially created? The very idea that someone or some agency did this sounds utterly impossible and crazy to most people. Actually, it seems incredible to those who have never entertained such notions before. To others who know that the weather can be manipulated and the feds are up to no good, then the concept of unnatural weather disasters does not sound so fantastic.
... This is interesting. I've heard people say that the Asian Tsunami was actually a bomb planted under the sea. Theres evidence out there if you want to explore it!
The planes involved in 9/11 were holograms!
Follow this
to see the evidence!
...This is another interesting theory is the whole 9/11 thing. when are we going to get answers? I think most people who are switched on realise that things just dont add up!
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Todays different news!
Interesting News That I've Found Today
on Nov 30, 2005
Kudos for providing another outlet for news outside the mainstream.
The majority of current events information falls in to the cracks between major media networks, corporate newspapers and syndicated punditry. Most of that news is of interest to people, but is of little use in focusing masses' attention on what movers and shakers either believe we find interesting or is of no use to their end needs (such as milking a story for weeks on end or provoking responses from the general public which suit their liking).
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